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Testimonials & Press

What Others Are Saying
Keynote Speaking

Funny, motivating and spot on with her presentation

"Personal branding is extremely important as we build our networks and seek career growth and success. Judi Holler delivers the message of personal brand relevance in her engaging, fast paced and funny keynote. She is able to give the audience several key action items to start this important journey.  She’s funny, motivating and spot on with her presentation. Her willingness to collaborate with the audience afterward through social media and her blog is a resource that is a valuable for our own personal toolboxes"

Gary Schirmacher, CMP, Senior Vice President, Experient – A Maritz Travel Company

Entertaining, informative, relevant, authentic and above all it was actionable

"You were the best session at the MGM Women’s Leadership Conference! I’d even say Top 3 of the last 3 years of me attending. Your talk was entertaining, informative, relevant, authentic and above all it was actionable. What I took away from your talk was worth the price of admission!"

Taiya Thompson, BNY Melton Wealth Management

One of the most relevant and powerful speakers we have had

"Judi was one of the most relevant and powerful speakers we have had.  She was well prepared in asking about our association and she tailored her presentation to us, and our role in our association, in our jobs, and in our life.   She even incorporated an exercise into her presentation on our value proposition as she described the process of becoming the asset of who we are.  The stories she wove into the presentation were personal, relatable and relevant.  The hour slipped by in what seemed like minutes, and the room was on fire."

Dru Kosik, International Association of Administrative Professionals

A box full of energy and complete with messages that are relevant and relatable

"Judi Holler is a box full of energy and complete with messages that are relevant and relatable.  She arrived knowing our audience and understanding our true values.  Her charismatic attitude kept the entire audience engaged through laughter and fun! We were pleased to have her as our keynote speaker at our annual meeting and would recommend her to anyone."

Jaime Emanuel, Marketing Manager – ConAgra Foods / SFS Division

Simply stated, Judi delivered results

"A true sign of an impactful speaker is not based on their presentation, an impactful speaker is measured by the resonance of their message weeks after the delivery.  In the weeks following Judi Holler’s Keynote speech at our event, I have heard messages each day from many of our account managers as to how they are implementing her actionable recommendations.  Judi is inspiring our emerging account managers as well as our top account managers to achieve performance levels they had not previously considered possible.  Simply stated, Judi delivered results."

Andy Smith, Senior Vice President, ESN Network Experient – A Martiz Travel Company
Event Emcee

Incredible passion and desire to take Hyatt to the next level

"We recently hosted our annual America’s Revenue meeting in New Orleans.  It was evident from the beginning Judi’s incredible passion and desire to take Hyatt to the next level. Judi emceed our entire meeting from the opening General Session to our closing awards banquet. She helped us stay organized, on point and re emphasized our themes and messages throughout our time together. More importantly, she did it with grace, style and humor making our attendees feel comfortable and engaged. She did an amazing job for us."

Jack Horne, SVP of Global Sales and Revenue

With Judi, everything just goes right

"Hiring a host for your event is always a tricky thing….there are so many things that can go wrong, but with Judi, everything just goes right. Once we were onsite, she was an unstoppable force. She took our ordinary annual awards dinner and transformed it to an unforgettable experience full of laughter, smiles and fond memories.  By the end of the night, everyone in our ballroom was her biggest fan – right down to people lining up for photos, and even better, hugs.  She brought a new life and new energy to our special night and I am eternally grateful."

Jomy Tan, Meeting Planner, Delta Dental Plans Association
Judi in the Press
The Meeting Professional
December, 2016

“5 Ways to Amplify Your Personal Brand”

Connect Magazine
May/June 2014

“40 Under 40”

The Meeting Professional
June 2014

"Rising to the Top"

PCMA Convene
August 1, 2016

"The Art of Experiential Storytelling"

Perspectives Magazine
Spring 2016

"Building your own brand"

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