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The BrandProv Blog

How to create good energy and why your LIFE depends on it!

March 19, 2013
“YOU are responsible for your own energy.   So BE RESPONSIBLE for the energy you bring into any space.” – Oprah
This week I’m writing on Improv rule #9 on my list, energy.   This is not only one of my favorite Improv “rules” but one of my favorite “LIFE” rules.  I truly believe in the power of energy and how it transforms your life.
In Improv good energy is critical to the success of the scene.   There is nothing worse than when an ensemble member shows up for class, rehearsal (or even worse a show!) in a bad mood and with bad energy.  You can just feel it.  Immediately.   They are not engaged.  They are not present.  They are not committed.  And they certainly should not be improvising.
One of my favorite Improv teachers at Second City, Rachel Mason, always said … “if your not having fun, YOUR the asshole!”  Truth in Improv. Truth in life.
YOU are 100% responsible for your energy. So own it.  And remember, you become what you believe.  So if you are always putting out negative energy, you are in trouble.  Big trouble.
A very powerful Oprah Life Class interview with Tom Shadyac, click here for more on that, really stuck with me on energy.  He discussed Newton’s third law [of motion] or karma.  He says  “I call it cause and effect: The energy that you put into the world comes back. In other words, the fruit is in the seed. You can’t sow an apple seed and expect to get an avocado tree. The consequences of your life are sown in what you do and how you behave.”
He goes on to say … “It is not up to us to judge the karma of anyone else. It’s up to us to clean up our energy and our own karma and leave the results to the higher power that created this whole flipping thing.”
Listen, we all can get in a funk from time to time. I get it.  However, I can guarantee that if you have bad energy, people won’t want to be around you and you are walking a very dangerous path.
I’ve put together 8 ways to help you turn up the volume on your life and create good energy:
  1. Awareness – You  must first understand, know and believe that we ARE indeed energy.
  2. Acceptance – We can only ever be who we are and at some point that has to be good enough” said by Panache Desai.  Once you realize this, you will stop searching for something other than what you already are and can fully focus on your energy.
  3. Take care of yourself – Get sleep.  Eat well.  Exercise.  All of these things help keep your energy in a good place.  Honoring yourself is critical to a good life.  Period.
  4. Books – I believe leaders read and readers lead.  So find books on strength, personal power, enlightenment and growth.  This will help you find new ways of thinking and inspire you daily when times get tough. I am a big fan of audio books.  This way “I’m too busy” is not an excuse and I can “read” while at the gym or on a run.
  5. Positive People – Just like “you are what you eat” … you are who you hang with. So put only people in your life that will lift you higher. Remember, energy is contagious!!!
  6. Self Affirmations – So Stuart Smally of me (SNL character, click here for more of that) to write this, but it’s true!  Eliminate the bad self talk from your brain.  It’s resistance.  Which is not your friend.  I personally keep notes and reminders around my office and apartment to lift me up.
  7. Accomplish something – Doesn’t it feel good to check something off your list?  So go for a run, read a book, write in that journal, organize your closet.  I find that when I’m making things happen I feel the most alive, invigorated and productive.
  8. Do a loving thing – I saved the best for last.  Without a doubt, doing something loving for someone else is an absolute way to boost up the energy in your life.  So donate something, volunteer, help a stranger. Pay it forward!
Trust me … when you clean up your energy … you will see your life change!!!  What you put out … you get back … that is a guarantee.
So, how do you plan to create better energy in your space?
Be well.  Be Inspired!
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