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The BrandProv Blog

Do you know the 3 truths about commitment?

March 12, 2013
“Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it’s a relationship, a business or a hobby.” – Neil Strauss
In this post I explore Improv rule #8 on my list, Commitment.  When improvising, scenes will crash and burn quickly when you are not committed.  Successful improvisers accept the first idea that is thrown out and then commit to it like thier depends on it.  The improviser makes a decision that no matter what that first idea is … we own it … we commit to it and we never, EVER let our wing-man down.  In Improv, EVERYTHING is right if you just commit to it!
Commitment requires strong self-discipline, and a persistent inner voice to push you on. Your self-discipline will get stronger as you commit to your goals.  And it’s important to note that when you accept a commitment, it should be with “do or die” determination, otherwise it’s only a weak agreement.  Real commitment takes courage, sacrifice, and perseverance.
My commitment to start this blog is my most recent example of commitment in my life.  I knew by taking it on that it would require tremendous commitment.  I would have to write weekly, sometimes bi-weekly, in order to put out consistent content that would ultimately grow my readership.  I work long hours in my full time job and can get exhausted from the busy schedule and travel.
However, my commitment to my passion, to YOU my readers and to myself far trumps any resistance that comes up in my head. I use my evenings, weekends and early mornings to make it happen.   I hustle.  I write.  I meet my deadlines.  I push forward.  I do the work.  I am committed.  
(Sidebar:  If you haven’t read Stephen Pressfield’s short and sweet book called  “Do the Work”, I suggest you download it to your Kindle or iPad right now.  It’s a quick and easy MUST READ!)  
I believe that there are 3 key truths about commitment and I hope these inspire you to honor a commitment you have been wanting to make:
  1. Commitment is passion – This really is the essence of commitment. Without passion it’s practically impossible to keep and maintain focus.  You have to be 100% crystal clear that you are ALL IN for what you are committing to.  From quitting smoking, to starting a business, to losing 20 lbs. Passion is the FIRE that motivates us.  It’s in our bones.  It literally moves you action.   
  2. Commitment is persistence – This is the antidote to resistance, which is the force that will try stop you from doing your work and fully committing.  So be persistent.  Start.  Now.   And keep starting.   Even when you are tired or self doubt.  Persistence will hold you accountable to your commitment.
  3. Commitment is purposeful – Commitment is a choice. It’s saying YES to our passion.  Commitment is never just a random thing that happens.  It’s always involves choice and intent.  So pay attention.  One of my favorite quotes “Life isn’t happening TO us … it’s happening FOR us!” – Oprah
What are some truths you believe about commitment?
Be well.  Be inspired!
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