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The BrandProv Blog

10 lessons from Improv theatre that you NEED to know about!

January 15, 2013
One of the main reasons I decided to start this blog is to share with you everything I was learning in Improv because it SO translated directly to my real life. The lessons I was learning were not only relevant in make believe Improv land … but in the real world too. If it was helping me live a better life … I knew it could help YOU too!
Studying Improv at Second City has always been a dream of mine. Not necessarily the “I wanna be on SNL” kind of dream (I mean if Lorne Michael’s asked I’d surely go running) but just a general dream to be on stage, to make people laugh, to meet people, to have FUN!

So when I moved here in 2009 I started the Improv program at Second City. I was 32. I was so nervous. First of all, I felt so old … I was so scared that I’d walk in and everyone would immediately start staring at me and laughing at how old I was because they were all 22 or something. (Which when your 32, the age 22 seems sooo young, right?!).  But I was pleasantly surprised … most of the time at Second City my ensembles were a perfect blend of college age to mid-50’s. It was just perfect!

Secondly, I was also scared I wouldn’t be “good” or “funny” (note – this was before I knew Improv had NOTHING to do with being funny). So many nights before that very first class I would go into a tunnel of self doubt thinking … OMG … what have I done … maybe I won’t show up … I can’t do this … no way. But guess what … I did it. And I continue to do it. It’s changed my life in so many ways. And now, I want to take what I know and help you do the same.

So here … let me share with you the golden nugget … the bones … the meat of what we do in improv … ready?

Here are the top 10 Improv “rules” that you can apply to your everyday life:
1. Be Present
2. Support others
3. Yes … And
4. Take Risks
5. Play
6. Listen
7. Get out of your Head
8. Commitment
9. Energy
10. Fail … a lot


These are my favorite … my personal Top Ten.  However, there are more … These are just the 10 that resonate the most with me.  I try to pick one a day to focus on.  Lately it’s been the “be present” one because I’m reading a great book called “Chasing Daylight” by Eugene O’Kelly.  It’s all about staying present, and it took him being given 4 months to live to realize how important (and hard) it is!  That book and my thoughts around it are a whole other blog post … Coming soon!

Back to the “Improv Rules” … In my upcoming blog posts … I’ll dig deeper into each one of the 10 and help you understand more about why they are such relevant and important life lessons.

If you follow these 10 “rules” you’ll be on your way to living a more present, full and happy life!

Tell me … what Improv rule above stands out the most to you and why?

Be well. Stay Inspired!
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