I’m a huge fan of Soul Cycle.
And since I no longer live near a studio … the first thing I do when traveling is check to see if there is a studio in the hood where I’m staying.
I’m obsessed.
It’s honestly one of my favorite places on the planet to spend 45 minutes.
It’s like a spiritual moment each time I go and I leave feeling strong, proud, confident and ready to kick the world’s ass.
The other day I was in the D.C. West Loop studio and a little early for class.
The doors weren’t open yet so I found a bench and sat staring at this for the 10 minutes I waited.
It’s in every studio … in every city.
The Soul Cycle Etiquette.
As I was reading this I thought about A) how brilliant it is and that B) it’s not just Soul Cycle etiquette … but it’s also LIFE etiquette.
Let’s break it down:
Text and Chat – Going screen free isn’t just for Soul Cycle class. Just imagine how peaceful you’ll feel when you put your phone down more in life? You’ll also be more CONNECTED. Plus, when someone is talking to you it’s pretty much rude to be on your phone. It basically means, yes I know you are here with me live in person, but this thing in my hand is way more important than you and this moment. So, put the phone down when you’re with someone and really BE there. And when you make plans with someone, set your out of office and honor who you are with.
Cross Talk – How good does it feel to really be listened to? Sooooo good right?! Make it a goal strive to be that for other people. Constantly talking over someone else and jumping in every 5 seconds is totally annoying. Really listen and watch out for cross talking. I love to remember this quote I once heard: When you talk you are saying things you already know … when you listen YOU LEARN new things! Which … makes you a badass.
Laundry – We don’t want your stinky dirty toxic laundry around us. So if you’ve got issues or problems or negativity that walks around with you … check it at your front door. Your bad day isn’t our problem and if you’re not having fun that’s on you.
Kindness is cool – Make it a game every day to be kind and interested in everyone you meet, even when you don’t feel like it. Trust me these dope vibes are contagious and you never know what someone else is walking through. Your happy smile may just make someones whole year.
The Pack – Energy is the gateway drug to all things amazing! What you bring into a space, a room, a meeting, a conversation will set the tone for everything! So, if you are feeling funky, stay home. And if you do show up … bring your A game. Good energy is a choice and you are 100% responsible for the energy you bring into a space. Also, WHO you put in your tribe will effect your health and happiness. So make sure your running with a wolf pack that keeps you lifted.
These 5 things are killer reminders.
Reminders to be more present, kind, awake and connected.
What will you choose?
Made with Love.
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