“My work wasn’t done tonight. My work was done 3 months ago, I just have to show up.” – Whitney Cummings
It’s a New Year and that means so many of you are out there making resolutions & setting goals. Committing that this year will finally be the year you lose weight, quit smoking, get the promotion, make more money, get healthy, eat better, listen more.
The idea of resolutions is a positive one.
Wanting to make your life better. To do better. To be better.
Yet with that always comes the resistance.
The resistance is one of the most ground breaking things I’ve learned about over the last 3 years.
It was written about by Steven Pressfield in the book War of Art.
Resistance is fear, self doubt, self sabotage, procrastination + so many other things.
And it will strike anytime and every time you try to take your life and make it better.
So I figured, as you are out there making resolutions, it’s a good time to get suited up with the armor you will need to fight the resistance as you move forward into 2017.
And it all starts with a plan.
One of the things I’m taking into 2017 with me is a daily ritual I call my “dailies”.
He talks about how important daily rituals are. (And PS – pretty much every athlete, author, celebrity, and billionaire who is playing at the top of their game has a daily ritual.)
So I thought, how can I make this work for me?
How can I create a “check the box” system that will keep me focused every day. So I get done the stuff that needs to get done.
I travel for a living and my weeks and days never look the same, so it’s hard to get on full blown routine.
And because of this, some incredibly important things keep getting put on the back burner. Things like writing and creating and fitness and meditation.
I know they are important but I keep getting off track.
I’m chasing my tail and losing focus on what matters … what suffers is my work, my health, and my mission.
Well no more.
I’ve created a little check list of things I must do every day. So that from the time I wake up, to the time I go to bed, I have all day to get these 8 things done.
These 8 things are my true north. My guiding light to keep me moving in the direction I want and need to go.
I have Mon – Fri dailies and then Sat/Sun dailies (a modified version for the weekend).
I’m sharing with with you in case it could help you as you move into 2017.
HERE is my check list for Weekday’s and Weekends.
Again these are all things I personally want and need to work on.
So the items could, and should, look different for you.
Yet, let this get you thinking.
What do you keep putting off?
What can you do every day to bring peace and focus into your life?
What needs to get done?
Once you have a plan, something like a daily ritual, the next thing you need is courage.
I love me some Brene Brown and I am always leaning into one of my favorite quotes by her: “You cannot have both courage and comfort.”
I love this.
All courageous people are scared … the difference is that those with courage know how to make fear thier homeboy. They have a diff conversation with fear.
Cowards let fear drive the car.
Brene says: “At the end of every day you should ask yourself, ‘when I had the chance to choose courage over comfort, did I choose courage’?”
Why does this matter as you enter 2017?
Because as you create daily rituals and patterns and plans to make your life better, the resistance is going to show up and tell you you are a piece of you know what. That you suck and that you should quit.
I’m here to tell you … you are a bad ass. And you can do anything you want.
You just have to have the courage to choose being uncomfortable.
Anyone who does anything amazing is always doing the uncomfortable thing.
BE stronger. Be tougher. Lean into that which makes you uncomfy and you will change your life.
One daily at a time.
Made with Love,
PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!
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