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The BrandProv Blog

Two Ways To Amplify Your Personal Brand

September 5, 2016

“In a crowded marketplace, fitting in is a failure. In a busy marketplace, not standing out is the same as being invisible.” ~  Seth Godin

Does the thought of promoting yourself make you want to run for the hills?

Does the thought of fitting in make you feel panicked with a little dash of FOMO on top?

Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert you have to find a way to amplify your brand.

To put yourself out there.

To tell the world who you are and what you want.

And to do it in a way that is authentically you.

When did expressing joy and pride and confidence about what you do for a living become a bad thing?

I think it’s time we start a movement and take the shame out of shameless self-promotion.

There are two things you can start doing right now to amplify your brand and get some immediate results.

These simple branding hacks will also set you up for the long game too.

In this weeks video I break it down so you can get started!

Now, I’d love to hear from you!

What’s one thing you do to amplify your personal brand?

HOLLA back in the comments below so we can get the conversation started!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I helping women, emerging leaders and hospitality professionals go from boring to brave by teaching The Brandprov System through my speaking engagements, events  and private coaching sessions  … So check out my speaking page right HERE on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

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