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The BrandProv Blog

Do You Get Jealous When Others Succeed?

March 29, 2015


“100% of all haters in the world are unrealized potential.” – Joe Rogan

You can tell a lot about a person by how they react to other people’s happiness and success.

It’s easy to feel threatened when we see peeps in our industry doing better than us and it can be hard to be happy for them.

Any of these scenarios sound or feel familiar?    Someone gets better grades … what a nerd.  Someone lands a killer job … what a sell out.   Someone is a pure athlete … what a dumb jock.  Someone lands the big account … he got lucky.

Well guess what … here’s the flashing light bulb … the root of all this nasty jealousy right here  … is nothing more than low self esteem.

Jealousy comes in hot to protect our ugly little egos.

And especially in this day and age with the constant comparison hangover that social media provides.

These days it seems like everyone’s success and happiness is being served up on a silver platter and it’s easy to fall into the hater trap.

Well I’m here to tell you it’s time to put down that huge glass of HATER-ADE!

I want you to turn that jealousy into power … here are 4 easy ways to deal with jealousy:

Now, I’d love to hear from you … what do you do when Mr. Jealous shows up at the party?

Make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™  Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

AND if you dig this video, make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter as well so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.

X’s and O’s,


PS – Click HERE to view a transcript of this weeks post if you’d rather read than watch.

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