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The BrandProv Blog

The Secret About Comparing Yourself To Others!

January 18, 2015


“Comparison is the thief of joy.” – Theadore Roosevelt 

I was out to dinner with a group of my favorite girls the other night.

And as we were talking about everything under the sun and having WAY too much wine … the discussion of comparisons came up.

It really struck me … how we ALL can get so caught up in comparing ourselves to others. 

How they live … dress … look … act.  

And this era of Facebook doesn’t help … everyones “highlight” reels are right there in our faces 24-7 if we want it and it can become a major depression dungeon if we are not careful.

I mean listen … there will always be someone doing something we wish we could do, or someone will have something we wish we had. 

More money, better hair, nice legs, a big house, a happy family … whatever!

It will ALWAYS be something.

Comparing yourself to others will destroy your happiness.

You’ve got to get this in check so the Comparison Claw of Destruction doesn’t hold you back from living YOUR life. 

Because guess what … comparison is robbing you blind and it’s stealing one of your biggest assets … JOY!

That’s we are digging into this week on The #Brandprov ™ Show!

I’ve got 4 easy ways to help you stop comparing yourself to others.

So now I want to hear from you!

Have you struggled with comparison and how do you deal with it?

I cannot wait to hear from you … so make sure you so “Holla Back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™  Framework.  So check out my speaking page my website to read customer testimonials and find out sessions I’m currently running.   

AND if you dig this video, make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter (BELOW THIS POST) as well so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.

You rock my world!

X’s and O’s, 


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