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The BrandProv Blog

How To Get What You REALLY Want In The New Year!

December 28, 2014


“You are not actually chasing the goal. You’re chasing the feeling that you hope attaining the goal will give you.” – Danielle LaPorte

We are just a few days shy of a brand new year.

Who do you want to BE in 2015? 

How do you want to FEEL?

Every year you set out to make “goals” for the New Year.

And every year it’s the same thing:

  • This year you’ll pay off the MasterCard.  
  • This is the year you’ll finally quit smoking.  
  • This year you’ll lose that 10 lbs.  
  • This year you’ll really run that marathon.  
  • This year you’ll travel more.

When you make New Year’s resolutions, ultimately you’re hoping that when you cross it off your list you’ll be fulfilled.

That your heart will sing.  That you can finally relax and savor in your happiness.

Except more often than not, this doesn’t happen.

Even when you meet your objectives, you wonder if you aimed too low, or took too long, or if you could have done it better.

And when you fall short, you come down on yourself ike a ton of bricks.

So you make the next goal, hoping it’ll give you everything the last one didn’t.

This is a self-defeating cycle that’s burning you out.

 The Q is … How do you change it?

I’ve got a solution and that’s what this episode of The Brandprov Show is all about:

 It’s time to get clear about your CORE VALUES.  To start with the FEELING first … then put a plan in place behind that.
So now … my Q this week to you is NOT what is your new years resolution or goal …it’s:
How do you want to FEEL in 2015?
HOLLA back and l list 1 or 2 feelings below this video right now … don’t over think it.
What is a feeling  you’ve been craving?  Peace of mind, Safety, Freedom, Happiness, Love  … just writing it down is the first step to powerful change. 
I’d love to work with you in 2015 … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov Framework.  
So check out my speaking page right here on my website to read customer testimonials and find out sessions I’m currently running.   
AND if you dig this video, make sure you sign up for my weekly newsletter (BELOW THIS POST) as well so you get these videos and more delivered right to your inbox.
As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.
Happy New Year and we’ll see you in 2015!
X’s and O’s, 
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