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The BrandProv Blog

Why Playing It Safe Will Ruin Your Life!

November 2, 2014


“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” –  George Addair

I’ve been thinking a lot about why certain people find success and change the world and why other people don’t.

What I’ve found is that most of the world shakers and change makers out there have one thing in common …

They DO NOT play it safe!

Listen, our instinct in life is to play it safe.

To blend in … to hide.

To fit in … not stand out.

And guess what?!  This behavior will ruin your life.

We HAVE to put ourselves out there if we want anything GOOD to happen in our life.

In the Improv theatre we are taught to NOT play it safe.

To jump in there.

To do the thing we think we can’t.

And when I started doing this on stage it gave me the courage to start doing it in life.

It was in that moment that everything started changing for me.

I stopped hiding and started living.

That’s what we are digging into today on this episode of The Brandprov show.

I’m dropping some truth bombs about playing it safe!

(PS – I do a little KARAOKE and even do the ROBOT in this video to get my point across … keep an eye out for it around the 2:00 minute mark! )

So now … I’d love to hear your perspective … 

What is holding you back from making the choices to move your life forward?

I cannot wait to hear from you and “Holla Back” below.

Thanks so much for watching, reading and sharing this video!

X’s and O’s, 

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