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The BrandProv Blog

The Secret To Setting Goals!

July 27, 2014
“We are what we repeatedly do, so EXCELLENCE therefore is not an act, it’s a HABIT.” – Aristotle
So I’ve got to tell you about this new thing I’ve been doing.
At the start of each work week … I flip to a new, crispy, fresh page of notebook paper and I write real big on the top:
                                                                                     THE BIG THREE
Then I write down the top 3 goals I must accomplish that week in all the key areas that make up my business AND life.  
I’ve been doing this for about a month now, ever since I read the book The 4-Hour Work Week, which inpsired me hugely.
And I have to tell you … it’s been a game changer.
Before “My Big Three” my manic Monday’s would turn into manic weeks!  I’d feel like I was all over the place and just totally lacking focus.
Now … I’m actually getting more done than I have EVER before!! 
I feel focused.
I feel clear.
I feel powerful.
Why Three things?
I don’t know … I kind of have a thing for the #3 and it’s for sure my fave #.
And, in Improv theatre we were trained to do things in three’s.  It was this sort of improv magical rule that things were supposed to happen in threes.  Any less, the audience could miss the point … any more and you become annoying.
So, I don’t know, there is just something about the #3.
And think of mainstream media:  The 3 Musketeers, The 3 Stooges, Snap – Crackle – Pop, The Three Bears, 3rd Rock from the Sun, A Triangles has 3 points … I could go on and on.
Peolpe like and need choices … but not too many.
And I feel the same way about setting weekly goals.
Too many and you will totally lose focus and won’t get anything done … BUT … a few intentional goals and BOOM you are dominating your week and making progress.
The point here is not about how awesome the #3 is … it’s all about setting achieviable goals so you can make progress in your life!
And guess what … I’ll give you my THREE reasons why my “Big Three” list works:
  1. It gets you in control of YOUR time rather than constantly being hijacked by the constant interruptions of email, voicemail, and other peoples agendas.
  2. Looking at 3 goals rather than a long list of stuff you need to do, breaks it down to an easy, manageable, list so you can actually make progress.
  3. You start to become hyper focused on the stuff that matters, rather than all the little things that come up in the work week that can easy distract you.
Do you set a weekly goal list?
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