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The BrandProv Blog

Are You Really Happy? Or Are You Just Faking It?

July 13, 2014

“When you walk with purpose, you collide with destiny.” – Beatrice Berry
I got a question for you … 
What is your #1 goal in life?
Typically when I ask this question I hear a lot of different anwers … “start a business” … “get married” … “have kids” … “be healthy”.
Then I ask … WHY?
The answer now becomes … “to have freedom” … “to have a partner” … “to have a family” … “to run a marathon”.
Then again … WHY?
And if you keep asking youself why … 
You’ll eventually find out that the real reason WHY you do anything … is that you think the thing that you are doing will make you happy.
That ultimately … you are just chasing happiness.
I love this concept and was deeply inspired by this idea in the book “Delivering Happiness” by Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.
He writes:  “What’s interesting is that if you keep asking yourself “Why?” enough times, you’ll find yourself arriving at the same answer that most peole do when they repeatedly ask themselves why they are doing what they are doing:  They believe that whatever they are doing will ultimately make them happier.”
The bottom line … we are all just taking different paths to chase the same goal:  Happiness
Tony writes in the book that there are Three Types of Happiness:
  1. Pleasure – Rock Star, always chasing the next high
  2. Passion – Where peak performace meets engagement
  3. HIgher Purpose – Being part of something bigger than yourself
Most peeps go around life chasing pleasure … hoping passion will come … and never get around to their higher purpose.
What the real strategy should be is to first find your higher purpose, then layer on the passion and top it off with pleasure.
Now the question becomes … 
How do you find your higher purpose?
I can’t tell you what your higher purpose should be… but I CAN tell you how I have found mine and how I continue to search for mine as I evolve as a human being trying to life my best life.  
If I ever feel lost, or sad, or depressed, or confused … I ask myself these questions at it works every time to get re-connected with my higher purpose:
  • Are there signs everywhere you can’t ignore?
  • Does anything wake you up at night?
  • Do your dreams tell you anything?
  • Do your bones feel electric when you think of something?
  • What is that voice inside your head and your heart telling you?
It’s time to listen to your bones.
It’s time to stop being so afraid and go live the life you were meant to live.
It’s time to stand up for yourself. 
It’s time to stop hiding … the world NEEDS what only you have!
It’s time to have the GUTS to start picking yourself … and STOP waiting for others to pick you.
Because guess what … It’s never going to happen.
You must pick yourself. 
What are your bones telling you and what’s stopping you?
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