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The BrandProv Blog

5 Signs You Are Insecure Around Younger Generations

June 29, 2014

“Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t.”  – Unknown

Be honest with yourself … do you get jealous or insecure when a younger generation joins the conversation. 

When someone a generation younger than you has just become your boss?  Or now leads the team?  Or is speaking to your group? Or has become a member of your group?

Do you turn into a hater?

Do you instantly think … what the “F” do they know?

Do you become a jealous, nervous, condescending, version of yourself that just took a big ol’ swig of some serious hate-er-ade?!

It’s time you listen up …

Just because someone is younger than you doesn’t mean they don’t know things, or can’t teach you, or lead you, or inspire you.

If you think this way it’s time to get your head out of your “you know what”.

You are living in the stone age.

I’ll tell you what time it is …

It’s time to take a good hard look at YOU and figure out why you have such an issue with the younger peeps.

What are you so afraid of?

Why are you feeling insecure?

You better dig deep to figure this out because guess what … the generations are only getting younger.

My advice … focus on YOU … focus on being awesome … focus on being someone that younger generations can look up to.  

And most imporatantly … LEARN FROM THEM … it will keep you smart, hip, cool, and in the know.

I promise.

I can also promise you it will only hurt you and your reputation (i.e. – YOUR BRAND!!!)  if you cannot figure out how to be cool with younger people leading you, teaching you, working with you.

You will look like a total close-minded, insecure, jerk.

Do you really want that?

I hope the hell not.

So I challenge you to take a good hard look at yourself and if you do ANY of the below … it’s time to check yourself:

  1. Be Condescending -Patronizing someone to show your seniority is lame and it makes you look super insecure.  Cut. It. Out.
  2. Reference age –  Constantly pointing out someones youth, or age, or experience is super annoying.  “When I was your age … ” or “Oh your so young, it must be nice to …”or  “When you get older you’ll understand …”  Stop it.  Now.  It’s super rude.
  3. Constantly refer to all your “experience” –  We get it … you’ve been around a while.  But we don’t need to hear about it at every meeting.   This only makes you look dated and scared.
  4. Assume because someone is younger they won’t understand – This is fear talking. That’s it.   And maybe a little control.   Guess what … you don’t know it all and people can do more than you think … give them a chance!
  5. Gossip  – All around this is a tacky and BAAAAD behavior to get into. And it’s extra bad when your bashing the younger peeps in your organization, on your team, or wherever it may be.  When people over hear you gossiping / bashing others it only makes YOU look bad and guess what … you have immediately lost TRUST!

How do you gracefully work with younger generations? Share your tips in the comments below!

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