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The BrandProv Blog

10 Reasons Why You Feel Stuck

May 3, 2014

“The enemy is a very good teacher.” – The Daili Lama
The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield.
It is my freaking manifesto.
And by now you’ve probably heard me talk about this book 1,000 times.
That’s because it CHANGED THE GAME for me.
The second I learned about The Resistance it’s like I was finally able to put a name to that unknown force that had been holding me back.
The force that had been telling me I wasn’t good enough.
Not smart enough.
The Resistance was sitting on my chest like a 300lb Sumo wrestler and it had no intention of letting up.
So when The War of Art came into my life … it was a little miracle … that has now become my mantra.
Here are some activities that commonly bring out The Resistance, as outlined by Steven Pressfield in the book:
  • Starting a business
  • Trying to lose weight, quit a bad habit or leave a bad relationshiop
  • Starting a spiritual practice
  • Pursing a calling in art, dance, music, film, writing, painting, etc
  • Education
  • Any act of moral or ethical courage
  • Any act that entails committment of the heart
If you are persuing ANY of the above … it’s critical you understand how to fight The Resistance.
In the book War of Art, Steven Pressfield outlines it’s Greatest Hits.
Here is what you need to know right now about Resistance:
  1. It’s invisible – You can’t see it, but you can feel it.  It’s negative.  It’s #1 goal is to push you away from doing your work.
  2. It’s internal – By definiton Resistance is self-sabotage.  It comes from within and no one else is responsible for it.
  3. It’s a liar – Resistance will tell you anything to keep you from doing your work.  It will assume any form to decive you.
  4. It cannot be reasoned with – The only goal Resistance has is to stop you from doing your work.
  5. It’s impersonal – It does not know, or care, who you are.  It is a force of nature.
  6. It’s infallible – Use this as a compass b/c the more Resistance you feel around something, means that it’s probably your True North.
  7. It’s Universal – You are not alone. No one escapes Resistance.
  8. It’s most powerful at the finish line – Resistance knows we are about to beat it so it hits the panic button. Always be alert.
  9. It aims to kill – Resisance means business and does not want to stop until it shuts you, and your dream or goal, down.
  10. It’s fueled by Fear – Master your fear, you conquer Resistance.
If you haven’t read the book … RUN and get it NOW … then buy another copy and give it to someone love.
You are amazing.
Whatever you are trying to do you can do it.
Give Resistance the middle finger and push on.
How do you fight The Resistance?
Big Love,
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