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The BrandProv Blog

6 Ways Successful People Handle High Pressure Situations

February 23, 2014
“Keep Calm and Carry On.” – 1939 Motivational Poster Produced by The British Government before WW2
This week was a doozy for me.
A good doozy … but still a doozy.
It was a BIG week for me with 2 super intense situations that required me to perform extremely well under major pressure.
I mean … you know the feeling. The stakes are high.  Everyone is counting on you.   Everyone is watching.
Maybe it’s a big presentation.  A job interview.  A negotiation. A major family decision. A performance.
It all comes down to this one moment … and you’ll either be the hero or the zero.
Can you handle it?
Oh and just watch the Olympics … Some of the American performances this year show you that even the BEST of the best can crack under pressure.  These althletes train for years … and they prepare for months … yet somehow, thier emotions get the best of them.
The bottom line is this: The ability for you to stay calm and manage your emotions under pressure is a huge component in how you perform.
So how do you do that?
Here are a 6 ways to help you keep your emotions in check so you can perform like the super star you are:
  1. Enjoy it!  For me, rather than totally freaking out about something … I dig in.  I chose to ride the wave of the adrenaline hight that comes from the high stakes situation.  I smile and celebrate the fact that I’m alive and breathing to even be able to FEEL the moment. Stress and pressure is raw ENERGY you can use to your advantage.  Own it.  Channel it. Focus it.  And use it as fuel.
  2. Get yourself a little “Ommmmm” – This is major.  You need to BREATHE!  Yoga.  Meditation.  Mindfulness.  These 3 tools totally help me before any major life event.  It’s a non-negotiable tool for me to get my mind right and bring calm energy into my space.
  3. Go off the grid – Take a little time to disconnect.  Turn off the (gulp!) iPhone.  Don’t look at email.  Power down the computer.  You know how quickly an email or a phone call can high jack your entire mood or day … right?!   So before a major moment … disconnect and give yourself the gift of a clear mind.
  4. Get yo’ Zzzzzzz’s – We hear this every 5 seconds … how important sleep is. But it IS!  You cannot perform at your best if you are tired.  And while you sleep your brain literally re-charges … it’s like plugging in your iPhone. It can’t work without a charge … so get that beauty sleep!!
  5. Kick the Caffine – Caffiene triggers adrenaline. If your already amped you don’t need any more amp. Caffine puts your body in this jacked up state so therefore your emotions willl overrun your behaviour.   Not good before a high pressure sitch.
  6. Stop being a hater … to yourself – Stop that negative self talk.  You are your own worst enemy.   The more you freak out on negative thoughts … the more power you give them.  Most negative thoughts are just that … thoughts … not facts.
What do you do to stay calm in high pressure situations that come up in work or life?
HOLLA BACK!  I’d love to hear from you in the comments below …
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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