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The BrandProv Blog

Who else wants to make 2014 your BEST YEAR YET?!

January 5, 2014
“If it’s not a HELL YES … then it’s a HELL NO!” – Marie Forleo
Do you know what today is?
It’s our 1 year BLOGAVERSARY!!!!
It was one year ago this week that I decided to say HELL YES to starting this blog and have been saying HELL YES for 52 weeks since.
I write to inspire you. To push you.  To teach you stuff.  To make you laugh.  To support you. To entertain you.  To encourge you.
Have you been having fun?
I have!
And holy crap I’ve learned a lot in this last year … blogging, website bulding, speaking, reading, researching, platforms, branding, moving, shaking and world dominating.
And holy crap x 2 … how in the HELL have I come up with a years worth of content?!
It reminds me of how much we are capable of.   That we can do so much … in just a year.  We just have to get out of our own way. We have to be fearless.   We have to go get it.
No one is ever going to just hand us success on a silver platter.
We have to pick ourselves.
We have to believe.
When I decided to start this blog … it was always a HELL YES … and that is the first lesson I learned … that if it’s not a raging, lightbulb flashing, red hot HELL YES … then don’t do it.
So I want to give you a little blogaversary gift …
Are you excited?!
8 LIFE LESSONS YOU need to know about:  (inspired by a year in the blogging trenches)
  1. Being a bookworm pays off – I read like a maniac now.  Seriously.  I dominate my Amazon Prime account buying books like a crack head. I will sometimes go days without turning on my TV.  I feed my brain with books on life, leadership, inspriation, spirituality, health, business and other delicious stuff so that I can stay relevant for you.  So that I can write and deliver great speeches. So I can be a better person.  It has been the #1 game changer for my life and my business.  So I challenge you this new year to become a bookworm and feed your sexy brain!
  2. Everything is figure-out-able – I had NO idea how to even write a blog post, much less set up a blog and build a website. I had no idea how to measure analytics, set up a domain or LLC a company. But I did it.  I figured it out.   With Google and You Tube Vids you can pretty much figure out anything.  No excuses. So that thing you’ve been “meaning to do” … go do it.  Start before your ready!
  3. The Resistance is lying and full of shit – The resistance is a very real and serious enemy when you try to take your life from a lower playing field to a higher one.  Read Steven Pressfield.  His work with change your life.
  4. Failure is Church – You will fail.  You fall down.  You will make mistakes.  You will piss people off.  And it’s ok.  You need it.  Failure is your biggest asset.  It’s your friend. It’s a gift.  So talk about it, meausre it, understand it, love it … then give it a big ol’ hallejuah and repent.
  5. No one is going to pick us –  We must pick ourselves!  Read the work of Seth Godin. It will also change your life!
  6. Risks are like outfits – I’m so Carrie Bradshaw right now with this analogy but it’s true. They are like clothes … you never know if it’s gonna fit unless you try it on.
  7. Trolls are real –  Trolls are the haters, the cynics, the critics … and they are out there.  No matter what you do for a living.  And they especially come out when you are trying to do something awesome.  People get jealous.  Envious.  Insecure.  Cynical.  But to hell with them.  Keep doing your thing and don’t care if they like it!
  8. You gotta keep it real yo – Be yourself, anything else is exhausting.  Plus, people can sniff out a fake.
It’s been a wild ride and I’m so glad I have you here with me!
So my loyal, fearless, inspired and rockin’ reader … how can I help you in 2014?  Any challenges, ideas, topics or things you’d like to see me take on?
Be well.  Be Inspired!
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