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The BrandProv Blog

Do you recognize the 4 signs of insecurity?

November 10, 2013

“Vulnerablity is our most accurate measurement of courage.” – Dr. Brene Brown

To live your truth you have to be courageous.

Every day.

And that means that some days it could get uncomfortable.

Some days it will be hard.

Some days it will be scary.

And when it gets hard, scary and uncomfortable.   This is when you reach into the closet and grab that “armor” to protect yourself.

But that “armor” doesn’t protect you at all.

It hides you. It hurts you. It makes you hard.

According to Dr. Brene Brown, insecurity is present in all of us and it’s so strong that we will go out of our way to avoid situations that might make us feel fragile.

So we suit up … by putting on our armor.

There are 4 types of Armor we use to protect ourselves from being vulnerable because we are feeling insecure:

  1. Perfectionism – This is nothing more than a 20 ton shield we use to protect ourselves from being judged. We struggle with perfectionism in areas we feeel the most vulnearable.  It’s a way of thinking that says this:  “If I look perfect, live perfect, work perfect, I can avoid criticism, blame and ridicule.”  You’ll drive yourself crazy wearing this kind of armor.  Rather, strive for excellence.  Not perfectionism.
  2. Numbing – There are tons of ways to numb yourself.  Food. Drugs. Alcohol. Gossip.  And now even Social Media.  These are all pieces of armor you use to hide.  To numb the fear of judgement and ridicule. Instead of facing your fear and living your truth, you hide by numbing.   I challenge you to FEEL life, all of it, even the stuff that scares you.  It’s all part of the story.  YOUR story!
  3. Forboding Joy  – Do you constantly dress rehearse tragedy? Waiting for something to go wrong b/c everything is just too good to be true.   Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience.  So instead of dress rehearsing tragedy, we must learn how to accept and feel the joy.  The most joyful of people can lean into vulnerablility and use it a reminder to practice gratitude!!!!
  4. Cynicism, Cricisism and Cool – This is disengagment and acting like you don’t care.  Somehow we have become a culture of not caring. Like it’s “cool” to not care.  But I challage you to give yourself permission to be un-cool! The cynics and critics are EVERYWHERE!  But whatever.  Ignore them.   Wouldn’t you rather contribute more than you criticize?  Life is crawling with cynics and critics.  Don’t be another one of them.

This week I challange you to lay down your armor.

Be courageous.  Be vulnerable.

Lean into Joy!!!

Stop dress rehearsing tragedy.

Live your truth.  Even though it means that things could get uncomfortable.

What types of armor do you put on to hide from your truth??

Be well. Be Inspired!

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