“If you live caring what other people think … the world will never see your gifts!” – Brene Brown
I am currently beyond inspired (and a little obsessed) by the work of Brene Brown.
- If you haven’t read her book, Daring Greatly, get it!
- If you haven’t watched her ground breaking TED Talk that has almost 12 million views, check it!
- If you haven’t seen her on Oprah’s LifeClass, do it!!
This woman is starting a revolution and it’s one I’m beyond excited about.
She studies vulnerability and courage.
I will no doubt be digging into her concepts in future blog posts. Her stuff rocks my world.
While watching her on Oprah’s Life Class , she said …. “If you care what other people think … the world will never see your gifts!”
I literally yelled from my couch … OH HELLS YESSSSSS!!!!
I so resonate with these words. I’m so inspired by these words. And I work to live by them every day.
See ….
If you care what other people think all you do is walk around all day with your armor on trying not ruffle any feathers. And if you do that we can never see YOU!!!!
Learning to get out of your head. To be brave. To believe that what YOU HAVE is good enough … is CRITICAL to your ultimate joy, happiness and success in LIFE.
You are your own worst enemy.
Only YOU can hold YOU back.
The rest is just excuses.
And let me clarify … of course I care about YOU … I want you to like me, my content, my blog, my videos, my speeches. But guess what, if you don’t. I’m good. I’m ok. Take it or leave it. I don’t care. It will resonate with some and not with others. And that’s ok. That is life.
Brene Brown also says: “If you are not also in the arena getting your ass kicked, then I’m not interested in your feedback!”
If you want to be brave and show up in your life, you have to step into that arena and be willing to get your ass kicked.
Listen, there will always be critics, cynics and haters. Always. And sometimes those people are hoping you fail before you even get started.
Do not … I repeat … DO NOT attach YOUR self worth to the opinions of others.
If you are NOT also in that arena living your life, being seen and taking off that hard armor you hide behind … then I’m not interested in your feedback.
If you are … then, and only then, do I care what you have to say.
It’s not easy. I know. Trust me this takes practice.
To help you get started … here are 5 thoughts that help me not care about the haters, the thugs, the cynics:
- Caring what others think is a form of The Resistance – And you must fight the resistance every day. Read this book, it’s my anthem: War of Art.
- Cynics and Critics are scared and living in fear – Show your face. Breaking someone down to build yourself up means you are a coward.
- You are the brave one – Every day wake up knowing that if you plan to step into the arena of life, things could get uncomfortable. Or they could not. But press on. Because you are brave. Be brave. Everyday.
- I’m ok with not being “cool” – Disengagement and not caring is is a form of armor that you put on to be hard and not be seen. Because your afraid of what others think. If you like something like it. If you hear a song you dig, sing it. If you feel sad, cry. If you want to do the robot b/c you’re feeling fresh, rock it out. Being “cool” is armor to hide behind. Seek to make real connections. Be vulnerable.
- No Regrets – Do your thing and don’t care if people like it. If it all ends tomorrow, know you rocked it today!
What do you do to not care about the haters?
Be well. Be Inspired!
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