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5 reasons I’m going on a 2 week vacation … and why you should too!

October 5, 2013

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while … you could miss it!” – Ferris Bueller 
So I am 14 days away from bliss.  Vacation.  Sweet Sweet Freedom.
I’m taking 12 concecutive days off work.   Which is 1 weekend and 9 days out of the office.
Almost 2 weeks.
I have the vacation days.  It is MY time.  I’ve earned it.
So why in the HELL do I feel so guilty about it?
Like I’m doing something “wrong” for using my EARNED vacation time to take an ACTUAL vacation.
Has our work/life balance gotten so jacked up that 9 days out of the office is “too much” to ask?????
American’s work like robots.  We’ve become “no vacation nation”.
Why is it so frowned upon to take long vacation?
Guys … this is cray-cray!
And we have to stop the madness.
Germany, Finland, Brazil and France are all champs, guaranteeing 6 weeks paid time off!
And it’s about more than taking a day off here, a day off there.  Or taking a long weeknd. I’m talking a REAL vacation.  REAL time off.
I think taking a full 2 weeks is critical.
I’ve been doing this 3 years now.
And it’s a game changer.
You should do it too!
And guess what, I’m done feeling guilty about it.  Right here … right now … on my blog … I’m over it.  No more guilt.  I’m going to rock this vacation and enjoy every delicious, relaxing and blissful second.
Here’s how you can kick the guilt too:
  1. It tricks your brain:  Just booking a vacation alone can up the endorphines in your body.  So book sooner than later because you start reaping those vacation benefits right away!  The second I booked my trip to Hawaii in March … I immediately had something to look forward to and had an extra skip in my step just thinking about it.
  2. Burnout Blows:   We’ve all been there.  We hit burnout zone.  I have just made a visit to burnout zone recently and it wasn’t pretty.  We are no good to our companies, our leadership or our organizations when we don’t give a shit b/c we are burnt out.  Vacation can be the antidote.  If you are in burn out zone, it’s time to book that trip.
  3. Talk to the hand Grim Reaper:  A recent study by a New York University surveyed 12,000 men and women between 35 and 57, finding that those who go on vacation every year reduce thier risk of death by 20%.  HOLLA!
  4. It takes time:  Think about it … it takes the first couple of days to adjust from travel / jet lag.  So by day 3 your feeling 100% and if you only stayed a week, you’d be leaving in 3 days.   No way.   That’s just not enough time.
  5. You work hard for the money: (Que Donna Summers 80’s hit) Everytime I go on vacation it makes me MORE grateful for my job, my career and my life.   It reminds me why I work so hard. To be able to travel the world and give myself life experiences.   It’s super motivating.  I come back ready to get my hustle on!
Do you feel guilty about taking vacation? 
Be well. Be Inpsired!
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