“Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t want plastered on a billboard with you face all over it.” – Erin Bury, Sprouter
Guys … I have a bone to pick.
I have seen some really bad stuff on Facebook lately and it’s driving me crazy. Actually it makes me want to throw my laptop through a wall half the time.
We’ve got to talk about this.
I love social media for all the reasons you do: The Connections, The Learning, The Communication, The Pictures, The Fun.
However, there is a major lack of etiquette happening and it makes me wonder … do people have A FREAKING CLUE what classifies social media etiquette in the first place.
From what I’m seeing out there … I highly doubt it.
Your social media behavior is a major part of your Personal Brand.
If you care at all about your reputation and want to keep your job or your career … It’s critical that you are mindful of how you are perceived on Facebook.
It’s time to stop sucking. And I want to help you do that.
First, some things you need to STOP doing … immediately:
- Fighting With A Spouse – Take it off line. Better yet, your probably in the same place as each other … why not go TALK to each other. Maybe that’s half the freaking problem. No one wants to watch your annoying fight play out on Facebook.
- Talking Trash About Work – This makes you look like an asshole. Plain and Simple. Complaining about your job. The people you do business with. A bad customer. A bad boss. A bad day. This could lose you business or better yet, get you fired. And it will 100% damage your reputation.
- Meaningless Calls To Action – You all know these posts … “If you want to stop starvation, put the color of your socks on your status update now … “Share this (insert a horrific photo) in the next 30 seconds if you want to take a stand … “If you really care about me, post how we met in my comments within an hour.” Barf. This is so pointless and so not what Facebook is about. Stop participating in this crap and share information that is helpful, fun and/or relevant.
- Being Vauge – aka “Vauge-booking”. These posts are meant to draw attention and generate concern. For example: “I wonder if it’s all been worth it.” “When will this end.” “I can’t take it anymore.” You likely need a therapist not a Facebook account.
- Constant Selling – If you use your Facebook for business, that is great …. social media can be an amazing way to build your business. But get a fan page if you plan to “sell” anything. Constant status updates on your personal page selling, selling, selling is tacky and bad taste. But even on your “fan” page … always use the 20:1 rule. Give great content 20 times before you ask for anything even once in return!!! Make it about THEM not YOU!
- Posting every 5 seconds – What you ate, what you are wearing, where your driving, who you’re talking to, what color your underwear is, how good the tuna salad at Whole Foods was. STOP IT … I’M ABOUT TO LOSE MY SHIT! Facebook is not a designed for this. You’ll just get hidden or better yet, de-friended anyway. General rule of thumb, post no more than 3 or 4 times a day.
- Political Rants – I have “de-friended” and/or hidden most people this way. Guys, this is the quickest way to offend people. In my opinion, the same rules apply on Facebook as they do a the dinner table. Never talk politics, religion or sex!!!! What makes people think that because it’s Facebook that they can push their political views down my throat?!?! Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. If your this passionate go work for a political pub or write a blog on politics.
- Party Pix – Pictures of you being raunchy, slamming drinks or passed out wasted should not go on Facebook. Ever.
- Chronic Complaining – “Who ordered this rain?” “I can’t stand the heat.” “I’ll never eat sushi again.” “Rush Hour Traffic is the worst.” This is annoying in life and on Facebook. Get over it and look at the bright side.
I don’t want to unfriend or hide you. I’d just love for you to stop sucking.
So before you make your next post … ask yourself the following questions:
- Would I want this post on the front page of a National Newspaper?
- Will I offend anyone with this content?
- Who is my audience?
- Will anyone really care besides me?
- Would I want my boss / my client to read this?
- Is this post too vague?
- Am I just venting?
What are some things you do to stay awesome on social media?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
Follow the conversation on Twitter @judiholler or on Facebook by clicking here.