“Thank you: It’s so little … It’s so big. However important or busy you are, it’s always right to thank people, however small the thing they have done for you.” – Me
So I write this post a little frustrated. Frustrated with “thank you’s” in today’s society … or should I say … the lack there of.
I mean just yesterday I was sitting in someones office (I’ll name him “Mr. No Thanks”) and his mail lady knocked on the back door. Mr. “No Thanks” got up and opened the door. He did not say hello, which I thought that was kind of cold … but I brushed it off.
Then the mail lady proceeded to put the mail in the boxes behind Mr. “No Thanks”. She then put his stack of mail right next to him on his desk. He looked at her, looked at the stack and then continued to type on his computer.
I looked at her … and said … “Hi … how are you today?” I was so bothered by the fact that no one in this room was even acknowledging her. She of course returned my “Hello” with a “I’m great … thanks. You?”
I then looked at Mr. “No Thanks” and thought to myself … ((( “What a jerk.” )))
In that moment, I decided to take my business and my time somewhere else. If Mr. “No Thanks” can’t even say hello and thank his mail lady, how will he treat me?
So … it got me thinking about “Thank You’s”. I was brought up to write Thank You notes. And from a young age it instilled in me the power of gratitude. Gratitude, and making sure people know that I’m grateful, has been and always will be a big part of my life. There have been so many people I’ve met that have shaped who I am and helped me along the way. I have never walked alone. So I am grateful. Always grateful.
But not many people are.
And the honest truth is this, in this day and age … saying thank you has become a COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE folks!!! Both in life and in business.
When was the last time you thanked your wife, your husband or your partner for doing something that helped you out?
When was the last time you wrote a hand written note to a client or a business colleague?
When was the last time you passed a soldier in the airport and said “Thank you for your service?”
A recent Lenox etiquette poll stated that only 5 out of 10 people say thank you. So pathetic. So lame.
Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to wake up. It’s time to be grateful. It’s time to say thank you! And trust me … if you do … you will gain respect, create loyalty and earn more business.
To get you started … Here are a few fast and affordable ways to show gratitude in business AND life:
So I thank YOU … my fearless readers. My supporters. My re-tweeters. My facebook sharers. My blog commenters. All of it means the world to me. All of it is appreciated. I do this for YOU … In the hopes that you will be able to learn something new and live a better life because of it. You are why I do it. YOU are awesome!
So thank YOU! My heart is full of gratitude.
What are some creative ways you say THANK YOU in your everyday or work life?
Be well. Be Inspired! JudiFollow the conversation