You know you need to eat well, so why do you keep eating crap you shouldn’t?
You know you need to work out, then why is it so painful dragging yourself to the gym?
You know you need to save more money, then why are you constantly spending money on stuff you don’t need?
You know you need to finish the big project, so why do you keep procrastinating?
Any of these ring a bell?
I hear you.
Listen, here is one big truth that can save you so much time …
You will NEVER want to do it.
There may be days when it feels easier. When you are more motivated than usual.
But you will never really want to do it.
Taking your life to a higher playing field is not for the faint of heart.
It’s hard.
It requires focus.
It demands discipline.
One of my favorite mantras: Easy choices = hard life. Hard choices = easy life.
There are so many things I do that I do not want to do.
But I do them anyway because I know the tradeoff is way better than the thing I don’t want to do.
It will never be easy … yet the doing is the part we need to get good at.
Discipline is the secret sauce of people that live “the good life.”
They know the tradeoff’s and they say … “thank you tradeoff I’ll have another.”
They know that what’s on the other side is so worth it.
So how do you keep your eyes on the prize? How do you get better at disciplined?
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
To stay disciplined you have to just do it.
Because you’ll never really want to.
Do not allow your mind to talk you out of it. It will want to.
This is the resistance and fear.
Who, by the way, does NOT have your back and actually wants to see you fail.
Because if you fail you will be safe and you won’t change.
And fear hates when you change and become awesome.
Bottom line is this, when you are disciplined you are less stressed out.
And …
When you are less stressed you acquire more health, wealth and stealth.
Made with Love.
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