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The BrandProv Blog

How to Get Rid of Your Worry … Once and For All!

November 22, 2015

I love this Bob Marley song … and actually need this sound track to start playing in my heScreen Shot 2015-11-22 at 8.58.51 AMad on the regular!

I don’t know about you … but I worry about everything.

And it’s totally getting worse as I get older!

If you are anything like me, you know we need to get this in check.

I’m always searching for ways to calm my mind, stay in the moment and trust in the universe.

Improv was great training for this.  We have to be in the moment if we want our scenes to work. Staying present is a key lesson on the improv theatre.

Yoga and Meditation – more great training … really focusing on breath to move us through the tough sequences. Same in life.

But I’ve got a new favorite “trust in the universe” technique and this week I’m sharing it with you … here we go:

So now … I’d love to hear from you … 

What are 3 daily worries you have that would go in your “God Box”?

I LOVE reading your comments so make sure you so “HOLLA back” in the comments below!

Also, I’d love to work with you or your company … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  

So check out my speaking page right here on my website to find out how to work with me.

As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.



PS – If you dig this video or know someone who would, pass it on!

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