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The BrandProv Blog

6 Pieces of Advice from Amy Poehler!

January 4, 2015


“There is power in looking silly … and not caring that you do.” – Amy Poehler

So I just read Amy Poehler’s new book … Yes Please.

And just like Tina Fey’s book … Bossy Pants … it’s laugh out loud funny AND packed with Kick-A life lessons that will really make you think.

As an improv junkie I am obsessed with the work of Tina and Amy.   Both have Chicago improv roots, studying and performing at Second City and iO, and both are huge role models in the improv world.

Especially for us female improvisers.

So I sat down to start the book and when I opened to the first pages I instantly knew is was gonna be good.

Amy dishes up hysterical stories on her life, improv theatre, her time on SNL (with some celebrity scoop) and so much more.

Reading this book is like a party and the icing on the cake is that it serves up some serious life lessons!

Here are my favorite nuggets o’ wisdom from Amy as written in the book:

So there you have it … 6 nuggets of wisdom to take with you into your new year and into your life 

Which one stands out to you? 

Tell me in the comments below!

How can I work with you in 2015?   I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov ™ Framework.  So check out my speaking page on my website to read customer testimonials and find out sessions I’m currently running.

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As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video!!

X’s and O’s,


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