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The BrandProv Blog

5 Ways to Survive The Holidays!

December 14, 2014
“Christmas is not a date … it’s a state of mind.”  – Mary Ellen Chase
OMG … it’s the almost Christmas!!!!!
Every year I am shocked how fast each holiday season just seems to pop up outta no where.
I mean, there I am all warm and cozy rocking out my year and the BOOM … a brand new 365 right there in my face!
And the holidays can bring with it a lot of stress, anxiety, and pressure.
I know it’s the “most magical time of the year” … 
But not for everyone.
There have been MANY years that I’ve dreaded the holiday season due to lonlieness, family dynamics, and financial pressures.
I definitely know what a the holiday blues feel like.
I also know how to turn it around.
After many many years of tough holidays I’ve finally found peace with all the hustle and bustle.
I mean you know what they say … if you can’t beat ’em … join em’!
So if you are in that place and you are NOT into the perky holiday festivus … then get excited b/c I’ve got just what the doctor ordered. 
Here are 5 ways to pull yourself out of that holiday funk:
So now …I’d love to hear from YOU!
What do you do to bring less stress to your holiday season?
Make sure you so “holla back” in the comments below!
And you know what I’d love for Christmas this year??   For you to SHARE this video with someone you love!
I’d also love to work with you … I speak, coach and train on my Brandprov Framework.  So check out my speaking page right here on my website to read customer testimonials and find out sessions I’m currently running.   
As always, thank you for watching, reading and sharing this video.
You rock my world!
Happy Holidays!
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