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The BrandProv Blog

5 Ways To Change The Way You Are Perceived?

October 12, 2014


One of the very first things you learn in Improv theatre is the “YES … AND” rule

This is like the mantra of Improv theatre

It’s all about starting with acceptance and then adding something on to move the scene forward

And let me tell ya … learning this one simple thing was A) harder than it seemed and B) was a total game changer in my life

In this weeks episode of  “The Brandprov Show” I give you the skinny on my love affair with saying “Yes … And”

I also share the 5 ways saying “Yes … And” can change your life




Oh and guess what … there is even a Sir-Mix-A-Lot cameo

Look for it!

After watching … I’d love to hear your perspective!

How do you find ways to be the YES AND person in life?

Can’t wait to hear from you and a big shout out for reading, watching, and sharing!



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