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The BrandProv Blog

Do You Need Some Momentum? 5 Ways To Turn It Up!

October 4, 2014


I’m so excited to be bringing you the very first episode of The #Brandprov Show on HOLLA! TV … The show where personal branding meets improv theatre to help you think on your feet and live authentically!

And it’s actually even more epic considering today’s topic  … which is all about momentum!

Here’s why ….

Putting a show like this out in the universe has been a dream of mine for a while

Yet I couldn’t get it off the ground

I would keep coming up with reasons I wasn’t ready yet

Excuse after BS excuse

So that’s what this weeks video is all about … getting, keeping, and finding MOMENTUM in your life and for your business!


Now, I’d love to hear your perspective!

How do you create momentum and keep in your life?

Leave a comment below and “Holla Back”!

I can’t wait to hear from you and as always, thank you so much for watching, reading and sharing …

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