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The BrandProv Blog

Do You Know the 9 ways to Deliver a Killer Presentation?

April 27, 2014
“Ideas are the true currency of the twenty-first century.  The ability to sell yourself and your ideas is the single greatest skill that will help you accomplish your dreams.” – Carmine Gallo, Author of Talk Like TED
99.9999% of people would rather dive into a shark tank than speak in front of an audience. 
It’s scary.  Vulnerable. 
I totally get it.
However … I’m also 99.9999% sure that you are going to have to speak in front of people at some point in your life. 
So are you ready for that?
Listen, you don’t have to be a professional speaker to deliver great ideas, make immediate impact and resonate with an audience.  
And guess what … being able to speak in front of an audience is a KEY component to bulidng a strong Personal Brand.  
You have to be able to sell your ideas, yourself and your message in a way that’s authentic and REAL.
At some point in your life and in your career you will have to speak in front of others.
So do you have what it takes to rock it?
Do you want to stand out?
Do you want to deliver an impactful presentation that really resonates?
I have no doubt that you do … and I’ve got a little something that can help you!
I just finished the book Talk Like TED.  And it breaks down the most-viewed TED talks to provide nine reasons for their high impact.
So of course, I had to share them with you.
Here are the highlights:
  1. Have Passion – Slides, stories and your body lauguage are all so important … BUT they don’t mean anything if you are not passionate about your topic.
  2. Tell a Story – Ideas are currency and stories help exchange that currency.  Stories inspire, resonate and illustrate. Take the time to sit down and develop a few stories that bring home your point.
  3. Be conversational – Your delivery and gestures will totally enhance the message.  Or they could take away from the message.  So practice.  The best speakers rehearse one presentation for hours and hours and hours.
  4. Give us something new – Reveal and teach information that is new, fresh, or packaged differently.  Solve problems.
  5. WOW them – Every speaker should have at least one jaw-dropping moment that will leave the audience talking the next day.
  6. Make ’em laugh – Ligthen up.  Have fun!  Humor involves some risk, and most people don’t have the courage for it.  The key to success is to be authentic.
  7. Watch the Clock – Be mindful of your time.  Short and sweet presentations typically deliver the most bang.
  8. Use the Senses – Deliver presentations that touch more than one of the senses: sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.
  9. Stay in your own lane – You must find your OWN passion on a topic and make an authentic connection with the audience.
What would you add to this list?
Big Love,
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