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The BrandProv Blog

Do you have Facebook Envy?

April 13, 2014

“Facebook creates envy and at times depression because it’s a mechanism where people look at others lives and see what they don’t have instead of concentrating on what they DO have.” –   
While I love me some Facebook and consider myself a Saavy Social … I am also VEEEEERY careful and cautious when it comes to “the book.”  
Because taking it too seriously can REALLY be a problem.  
I’m sure some of these “Facebook Envy” situations sound familiar to you:
  • Someone announces they are pregnant (yet you can’t get pregnant)
  • Someone is on a beach vacation (yet you haven’t taken one in forever)
  • Someone gets engaged (yet you’ve been waiting for a million years)
  • Someone doesn’t “like” your photo (and you wonder if they don’t like “you”)
  • Someone bought a new house (yet you are struggling to pay the bills)
  • Someone is out with friends that you know (and you wonder why you weren’t invited)
  • Someone lost a ton of weight (yet you can’t seem to lose those last 20 lbs)
  • Someone is celebrating a birthday (yet you remember being alone for yours)
In an instant … this ordinary happy moment  in your day just got hijacked by a stinging dose of jealously .
It’s easier than ever before to be bombarded by #HumbleBrags, become overwhelmed and feel miserable for no reason. 
WE MUST REMEMBER:  We typically only share things on Facebook that put us in a positive light.   
I mean when was the last time you posted a picture of yourself laying on the couch like a lazy turd eating a bag of chips watching trash TV.
Ummmmm … that glorious moment must have slipped my mind.  
Listen … Facebook is about sharing the JOYS of life.  Which is not a bad thing … but it gets dangerous when you start comparing everyones “highlight reels” to your own life and when everyone else’s “highlight reel” becomes the benchmark for your own happiness.
This is a dangerous NO WIN situation. 
Is this Mark Zukerburg’s fault?
Only YOU can change your attitude.  Only YOU can turn off those voices in your head. 
Facebook is a connection machine that has changed the world. 
And that’s what it should be … a connection machine. NOT a “depression” machine.  
Remember … it can kill you to “Keep up with the Kardashians.”  
You must be confident in who you are.  
You must be confident in what you already have. 
Let me tell you this right now:   YOU already have everything you need … right here … right now … to be amazing.  
I want to see you on Facebook.  I want to see your happy moments.  I do.  And I want you to see mine too. 
So keep the good moments coming …. in doses.  
(Remember it’s still annoying to post 10 times per day … if you want to do that go on Twitter, write in a journal or go see a therapist.  Facebook is not the Platform for that.  See my previous post on “How to Stop Sucking on Facebook.“)
The point here ….
Never forget that Facebook, for the most part, is one big highlight reel.
So never compare your own life to someone else’s “highlight reel.”
How do you avoid Facebook Envy when using Facebook?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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