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The BrandProv Blog

4 Reasons Why You Need to Learn to Take a Compliment!

February 1, 2014
“Who am I to be brilliant, goeorgous, talented and fabulous?  Actually … who are you not to be?” – Marianne Williamson
Attention Ladies … does this look familiar??  (psssst … a little raunchy with some adult language … hide the kids!)
Why do we do this???
Why do we shrink ourselves to be lesser than what we are?
Why do we put ourselves down to make others feel more comfortable?
It’s time to stop this madness!!!!
I was at an industry event the other night and was standing there with several awesome women.
One woman said to the other … “Wow, I love your dress … you look so great!”
And the woman recieving the compliment quickly went “Oh, this old thing … I’ve had it for years … I think I got it on sale at TJ Maxx or something … but thanks.”
There are so many things wrong with this behavior …
  • Why are you putting yourself down?
  • You are totally insulting the person giving you the compliment.
  • The “but thanks” is super insincere.
  • You show no self love.
  • You look really insecure.
  • Do you not think you are beautiful?
  • Do you not think you are worthy?
Us women have a serious issue with compliments … And it’s terrible!
I know you know what I’m talking about … watch for it … it happens ALL the time.  And I’m sure YOU do it too!
I’m totally guilty of it! I have absolutely dimmed my light or fought off a compliment because I felt it would make the other person feel more comfortable or because I was embarrassed to have attention on me.
This behavior is wrong.
And it’s time to stop!
It’s time to take a compliment!
It’s time to say … THANK YOU!!!
It’s time to allow yourself to feel brilliant, georgous, beautful and talented.    And when someone notices … say THANK YOU and enjoy every delicious second of that compliment!!!
Here are 4 things to know about compliments:
  1. Learn how to graciously accept the compliment!
    • First, you must understand accepting the compliment does not make you concieted.  It’ makes you awesome.
    • Second, it’s ok to be proud of something while being graceous and grateful at the same time.
    • Third, when you accept a compliment you will inspire others to do the same.  Set a good example!
    • Lastly, just say THANKS!!!  (then shut up and smile)
  2. Don’t Boomerang compliment! 
    • Responding to a compliment with a compliment is not polite. Even though it feels like it.
    • Why?  Because it signals that insted of listening and recieving the praise, you are formulating a “made up” compliment.
    • This feels fake and is more about you and how uncomfortable you feel.  So it’s not a real compliment and does more damage than good.
    • Instead, just say thanks and offer up a compliment another time when it will seem more authentic and sincere.
  3. Denying the compliment insults the giver!
    • If someone compliments you they have observed something they feel deserves a compliment.  Yay you!
    • So when you deny them you are basically saying they don’t have good taste or judgement.
    • You are also totally blocking the good energy that is flowing from them to you.
    • It’s totally rude so say thanks and enjoy the good vibes!
  4. Allow yourself to receive the good energy a compliment gives you!
    • When you accept and recive a compliment … good energy immediately enters your body.
    • This brings you a rush of joy, happienss and peace.
    • Don’t deny yourself of this feeling … it’s the power of being alive!
Do you have a hard time accepting compliments?
HOLLA BACK!  I’d love to hear from you in the comments below …
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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