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The BrandProv Blog

6 Awesome Benefits Of Saying YES!

January 19, 2014
“Just say yes and figure it out afterwards.” – Tina Fey
In Improv comedy we are taught to always agree with whoever starts the scene.   We are trained to say YES to whatever was said … then add something on with … AND.
For example:
YES … AND or “good improv” looks like this:
     Improviser 1:   I’m going to fly with the monkey’s today!
     Improviser 2:  Yes … AND they are going to take me to get my oil changed at Jiffy Lube!
Now … here’s what NO looks like or “bad improv”:
     Improviser 1:  I’m going to fly with the monkey’s today!
     Improviser 2:  No you’re not, Monkey’s don’t fly
     Improviser 1:  I’m going to fly with the monkey’s today!
     Improviser 2:  Ok
See how that changes it?
The NO improvisers in the second two scenes totally change the mood and shut down what improviser 1 was trying to create.  The NO improviser just didn’t contribute at all.  Totally killing the moment.
The point here is … this is a MAJOR life lesson.  To agree and contribute.
The “bad improv” examples totally happen all the time.  I’ve been in so many meetings with people who always say no or who just never have anything to contribulte.
It’s so annoying.  These people suck.
In life … it is critical you realize that everyone’s opinion is worth considering.  Even if you don’t fully agree, you become someone awesome to deal with when you simply add to the conversation instead of dismissing it.
So watch out for this … pay attention to it.
When talking with friends, family, co-workers, whoever … do you “YES … AND” them or are you constantly shutting people down with a NO?
I saw a group of improvisers run this exercise recently at a conference and they pulled 2 participants out of the audience.
One lady got it and kept YES’ing her partner.  It’s was so fun to watch.  And I bet she’s awesome in life.
The other lady had a terrible time making it happen and kept saying NO to everything her partner was trying to create.
She could not do it.   No this.  No that.  No. No. No. No
It made me wonder …. I bet she is difficult to work with and deal with in life.  Negative Nelly.
I want you to be a YES person.  Someone who is always adding to the conversation in life.   Someone who is AWESOME to be around.
Now don’t get me wrong … it’s also important to say NO in life from time to time … however, I’m always taken aback when I meet someone who’s inital respose to something is No.
The point here is to show up and contribute.  Not sit there and do nothing.  And it’s ok if a yes turns into a no … at least your moving forward.  That’s the point of a yes.
Here are some immediate benny’s of saying YES:
  1. Saying YES will move things forward.
  2. Saying YES could open a door you never knew existed.
  3. Saying YES creates possibilities.
  4. Saying YES validates the other person.
  5. Saying YES means your listening.
  6. Sayign YES keeps you optimistic.
“How has saying YES opened a door for you?”
Be Well.  Be Inspired!
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