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The BrandProv Blog

5 ways to fight negativity!

December 22, 2013
“Your self worth is determined by you.  Not by someone else’s words or vision of who they think you are.” – Beyonce
I was at lunch with a client who said something that really hit home.
We were talking about people that have insipred us along the course of our lives.  It was a really awesome convo and reason 1,245 that this client is one of my faves.
He was talking about a teacher he once had who said something that changed his life.  And it ultimatley led him down a path that has now become his livelyhood.
My client then said to me “It’s crazy to think that if words of encouragement like that can do so much to change the course of one’s life … how impactful can the negative words be on someone?”
That hit me like a ton of bricks.
After some thought … My answer:  Only as impactful as we allow them be.
And trust me, I get this.  I grew up around a lot of chaos and dysfunction.   Not to mention, I just had someone say something hurtful to me and it was absolutely on purpose.   To fuck with me.  To get under my skin.  
Words can scar.  Words can hurt.
But WE are in control.   Not the words.
And let’s be honest … people who break others down rather than lifting them up are cowards and miserable.   
In my life, I choose to keep all the good and throw out all the crap.   Including crappy people.  
And that is an everyday choice.
To be better than the words. The negativity. 
  • Do you work with someone who always finds a way to slip in hurtful words / comments?
  • Are you holding onto anger because of something someone said to you a million years ago?
  • Do you have dream that is on hold because someone told you that you couldn’t do it?
If you said YES, to ANY of these … then join the club.  I HEAR YOU!
It’s time to break the cycle and MOVE FORWARD.   Stop giving negativity and negative words power.  Let it go.
This isn’t an easy task but it’s a critical one.
If you want to live a happy and healthy life you must let go of anger, resentment and fear.   Holding onto that crap could kill you.
So let’s get it in check …
One day at a time. One step at a time.  One word at a time.
Here are some tricks I use when I need to put the negative in check:
  1. Meditation / Prayer –  Whatever your faith, religion or belifes are … find time every day to meditatie or spend time in prayer. If only for 10 minutes. I’ve just started meditating and it’s slowly changing my life.  When you have a mindful intention for your day … negative words and/or energy have less of an impact because you are coming from a place of peace and clear direction.  So take some time to research medtitation and what it’s about.  Take a class.  Ask at your Yoga studio.
  2. Love – If you get knocked on your ass by some BS words.  The quickest way to get back on your game is call someone who loves you.  There is nothing more powerful than love.  It’s the #1 antidote to hate.
  3. Yoga – Don’t let Yoga intimidate you … It’s a KILLER way to let go of stress and bad energy.  A weekly Yoga practice will help you lead a balanced life.  So when words that hurt come your way … you can give it the middle finger because you are strong.  Mind and body.
  4. Books – I have a few books / authors that are always on “stand by” for when I get into a funk.  If I’m tripping on something and need to get right in my head … I grab a little Seth Godin, Steven Pressfield, Marie Forleo or Kris Carr and I’m back in the saddle ready to rock my life!
  5. Monitor Self Talk –  What you think you become!!!  So talk to yourself with love.  Be kind to yourself.  Ignore the haters, the critics, the cynics. Do your thing and don’t care if they like it.  This is YOUR life.  So live it!
Remember:  Negative words only have as much power as you give them.
What do you do to move forward when negative words have been thrown at you?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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