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10 Lifestyle Choices of the Happy, Healthy and Successful!

December 16, 2013
“Stop waiting for a road map … draw one!” – Seth Godin
One thing I know for sure … it’s all about CHOICES!!!
What we say, what we eat, what we do … determines our destiny!!
Over the last year I’ve been reading, studying, researching and interviewing some pretty incredible people.
In that process I’ve noticed some themes that my MOST inspiring role models have in common.
People like …
Marie Forleo.   Seth Godin.   Kris Carr.   Gabrielle Bernstien.  Simon Sinek.  Jonathon Fields.   Michael Hyatt.  Brene Brown.
They each share some form of similiar routines, rituals, habits and life choices.
Is it a coincidence that they all have certian things in common?
No way …
These people live extraordinary and exceptional lives.
On purpose.
They are intentional about each minute, each hour, each day.
And you should be too!
Here are the TOP 7 lessons I’ve learned from the world shakers above …
  1. Be Intentional –  If time is your most precious commodity … then why do you waste it?  The most successful people use every minute wisely. They spend their time only with people that lift them up. They do the things that make them come alive. They have no time or tolerance for energy draining and/or negative people, places or things.
  2. Everything is “Figure-out-able” – Enough with the excuses.  You can figure anything.  You are smart and awesome and amazing.  Plus, when you get stuck … there is freaking Google and YouTube where you can find just about any tutuorial in the world.  So stop the lame excuses … go do it.  What are so afraid of?  That you might actually DO IT and become even more amazing?
  3. Pick Yourself – This concept has changed my life. By picking yourself you can literally do anythign. There are no more road blocks.  Seth Godin Says it brilliantly “Don’t blame the teacher, the parent or the institution that didn’t open the door for you … have the guts to open the door for yourself!”
  4. What you put in your mouth and what comes out, determines your destiny –  What we eat is just as important as what we say.  Honor your body, eat with intention and remember that food is medicine.   Honor your words, between stimilus and response there is a space and in that space is the power to control your reaction, and how you react determines your future.
  5. The Universise has your back, you just need to get out of your own way – You can manifest your life to become anything  you want to be.  Be mindful.  Be aware of how you talk to yourself.  What you think you become.
  6. Start with Why –  People by WHY you do something, not WHAT you do.  Start thinking from the inside out.
  7. If you live caring what other people think, the world will never see your gifts – Ignore the haters, the cynics and the critics. They are a part of life and they only get as much energy as you allow them to have.
  8. Have a plan, but be open to serendipity, the best things in life are rarely planned – Write down your goals.  Have a plan. Manifest it.   Trust it.  BUT … be open to change.  It’s in that change that life happens … make sure your listening!
What have you learned from a mentor or world shaker that has inspired you to live your best life?
Be Well. Be Inspired!
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