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If you’re reading this, you’re alive … which means you have TIME! 6 things to start doing TODAY!

December 1, 2013

“If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.” ~Larry McMurtry, Some Can Whistle
I lost my sweet Grandma this week.
She was 94.
She was magical.
As all Grammies are.
My grandma said something to my Uncle a few months ago that has really stuck with me.  He would call her to ask how she is doing and she would say … “I’m waiting … just waiting.”
This broke my heart and at the same time inspired me!
It broke my heart because in the end … if we make it to a ripe old age … that’s what we’ll be doing too.  Waiting.   Our bones will get old.  Our sight will be gone.  Our brains will no longer work.
We will, one day, be waiting.
Yet, it inspired me because it reminded me I am here. I am young, healthy, alive.  I am in the thick of my life and I need to live every second to the fullest.
It’s strange how death reminds us how alive we are.
Time waits for no one.   And guess what????   You will never find time for anything.  If you want time you must MAKE TIME!
One day … you will wake up and wonder where in the hell it all went.
I learned so much from my Grammie … and as I sit down to prepare my words, memories and thoughts for the memorial service next month … I realize … these are not just Grammie lessons, these are LIFE lessons!
So I thought I’d share them with you.
Plus, it’s a way for me to honor her memory and a little form a soul therapy for me as I heal.
I hope you enjoy!
Grammie Holler Rules of Life:
1.  Always wear your pearls!  Even on the day she died she had on her jewelry.  Grammie knew what it meant to get up, show up and dress up. What you put out there in the universe is what you get back. And your appearance is a part of that.  It’s also an awesome way to express yourself everyday.  So get out there, express yourself and rock your “pearls”!
2.  Sit in the front row!   I will never forget being a little girl and walking to church with Grammie.   We’d arrive and then B-Line it to the front row.  She dominated that front row.  Not just in church but in life.  Sit in the front row, show up in your life and let them see you!
3.  Getting mail is awesome!  Grammies cards ruled.  Birthdays, holidays, graduations, whatever it may be.  She was on it like a ninja.  When that card came in the mail with all those X’s and O’s, I felt so loved.  Write cards, send thank you notes!  Go old school and use that snail mail.  A text or a Facebook post is nice, but it’s half ass and kind of lame, especially to those you love the most.  MAKE TIME! Opening the mailbox to a handwritten note is a timeless and amazing gift.
4.  Use your imagination! Grammie was a creative. And she encouraned all 9 of her kids to be as well.  That of course spilled over to us Grandkids. She painted, created, sang, danced, read, wrote.  There was always something to do and money wasn’t required.  Let life be an adventure and use the brain God gave you!
5.  Life happens around the kitchen table!  Most of my favorite memories revolve around Grammies kitchen table.  The smell of freshly brewed coffee, toast, eggs and bacon filled her house.  They are some of my favorite smells in the world to this day!  During our visits, we’d all slowly wake up and gather in the that kitchen like it was our job.  The morning would be filled with laughter, card games and stories.  Make time to sit down, connect, eat, share, play and love around your kitchen table!
6.  Don’t wait!   Do it now. Start!  In the end that’s what Grammie did. She waited.  But you are here …  right now … alive … healthy … reading this.  So whatever your waiting for … stop waiting.  Go get it.  Live this beautiful life!
What life lessons have you learned from your Grandparents?
Be well.  Be Inspired!!
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