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The BrandProv Blog

7 ways to connect with absolutely ANYONE!

November 25, 2013
“If you’re looking for an opportunity, you’re actually looking for a person!” – Reid Hoffman, Founder / CEO of LinkedIn
PEOPLE control resources, opportunities and information.  
Computers don’t.
The “cloud” doesn’t. 
So if PEOPLE control resources, opportunities and information … what are you doing to make sure your connecting with the right people?
I don’t care what your goals, interests or industry is … there is no getting around it: Personal relationships run the world!!!
We must connect with people.  The right people.  And build relationships with those people. The right people.
And guess what … 
“You can make more friends in two months by becomong interested in OTHER people than you can in two years by trying to get others interested in you.” – Dale Carnegie
So how do you do this?
Where do you start?
I’ve found that no matter what someones level of fame or status is, people are just people.
Everybody poops.   
It’s true.   
So let’s get this party started … 
Here are 7 key lessons to apply to each connection experience:
  1. Be Real – Sounds easy but trust me … if you trying to connect with someone and you have an agenda … they will sniff you out.  You will come across as in a hurry, desperate and shady.  Relationships and big business do not happen over night.  So chill.  Make it about THEM and be yourself!   Be geninuely interested in who THEY are!
  2. Help A Sista Out – Even the most important people in the world have something they need help with!!!  So seek out opportunities to help them solve a problem or support thier cause, business or brand.
  3. Yo!  You listening? – Pay Attention! You can’t be genuine if your not buttoned up.  Read about the connection beforehand.  Research.  Prepare.  Know thier background, thier passions.   You will never pass the test if you have not done your home work.  So study up!
  4. Meet thier Peeps! – Connect with people close to them.  You get major credibility when referred by someone that is a mutual friend.   Get people to make an introduction.  Referrals are like gold!
  5. Don’t overthink it –   Make real friends.  Think about the friends you’ve made.  That’s as easy as it is.  You make friends with peole you geniunely want in your life.  Be human. Be helpful.  And most humans will want to geninuely help in return.
  6. Keep up the Hustle – sometimes it’s the 5th or 10th try to connect that gets you a result. Don’t assume that because you haven’t heard back after one call or one email that they aren’t interested.  You never know what may be going on in thier world.  Keep at it.  Don’t be in a hurry … but don’t be invisible either.
  7. Be Unforgettable – I think this is the most importnat.  Find ways every day to be awesome and stand out.   YOU want to be the one that’s remembered, not forgotten.  So go out there and be so good they can’t ignore you!
What are you doing to make sure your connecting with the right people?
Be well.  Be Inspired!!
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