“I have no special talents … I am only passionately curious.” – Albert Einstein
Lately I have been quite obsessed with the idea of curiosity … and really working to be more curious in my everyday life by asking good questions and NOT making assumptions.
I believe that being curious can and will open doors. I believe being curious can teach you incredible things. And I believe that being curious will help you gain a competitive advantage in life and business.
Do you want a rewarding life? Then be curious. The more curious you are, the more opportunities you will discover throughout your lifetime.
Open your eyes and look around. How many blind assumptions have you made? What do you want to know more about?
Be brave enough to ask good questions and not be fearful of what others will think. Ask and you shall receive.
Plus it’s good for you … curious people tend to be:
- Open minded, objective and optimistic
- They resist leaping to assumptions and are better able to think for themselves
- Persistent and resilient (less stressed out!)
- Adaptable and humble
- Develop strong relationships because they ask genuine questions and listen sincerely
- Aware, they have active minds and dispositions and seek to understand themselves
- Creative and innovative they embrace problems as puzzles to solve and have an entrepreneurial spirit
- Enthusiastic in taking up change they take initiative to explore and understand their world
- More flexible and mental agile-more resilient to aging illnesses like dementia
Below are some things I’ve learned from going forth and being more curious:
- You will find the truth – A curious person just doesn’t take your word for it. They find the truth for themselves. The curious dig deep and when they finish being a detective they not only know the what and when … but they know WHY and HOW!
- You release your inner child – Kids are curious. We all know that! They are like a blank canvas just waiting to be filled with color, art and experiences. AND they do not have any bad habits fogging their judgment. How refreshing! Being curious can help open your mind.
- You will learn things – Aren’t new experiences the best?! They stimulate your mind and can take away from the daily tensions in life. Being curious can make you feel more alive … so go discover something new!
- You will be more productive – Bottom line, the more you can understand the details, the better you will understand the process. Thus, the more productive you will be.
- You will become more positive – When you don’t understand something, it’s easy to write it off as dumb or useless. It’s only when you really understand something that you can appreciate it. And we tend to be more positive towards things we understand.
- You will build new relationships – Being curious will open doors and lead you down roads you haven’t traveled. Curiosity will also allow you to meet people and explore places you haven’t been. So get out there, be curious and meet new people!
- You will become a better listener – Because you are out there being curious, asking great questions and are engaged … you will naturally enhance your listening skills … which in this day and age has become a major competitive advantage.
- You will be awesome! – Congratulations … because you are taking the time to be more curious … ask questions and be an engaged person in life … you will become more awesome because of it. You will earn respect, gain trust, learn lots of new things, meet lots of new people and enhance your life in ways you couldn’t have dreamed!
What are some things you do to be more curious in life?
Be well. Be Inspired!
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