“I survived because I was tougher, and smarter, than anybody else.” – Bette Davis
When I was in high school I was a hostess Casa Gallardo. “Casa” was a very popular chain Mexican Restaurant in St. Louis and has since gone out of business. (pause to pour a little out) Anyway … it was a magical place for me in high school … my first crush … smoking Benson and Hedges in laundry room … sneaking tequila out the back door … driving my first convertible … and lots and lots and lots of laughs along the way.
One night as we were wrapping up … I clocked out and headed to my car which we parked in the back “employee” lot. I walked out with a group of co-workers … per usual … and we said our goodbyes. As I approached my car … someone reached out from underneath and grabbed at my legs. Clearly trying to either kidnap me, hurt me … or worse.
I started screaming FIRE, FIRE … HELP, HELP! (Sidebar: I was always told to say FIRE! HELP! rather than just HELP! b/c people are more apt to help someone saying “fire”, the idea being that just saying HELP! could scare people away if they are afraid. Not sure if it’s urban legend but I’ve always thought it was something worth noting?!)
Anyway … an angel was on my shoulder that night and God had another plan for me. A co-worker heard my cries and ran over.
The creep ran off and I was safe and sound.
I was lucky AND so smart that I had listened to my Dad’s dead on advice to ALWAYS walk out with someone!
I think of this night often and it has 100% kept me very safe ever since. I am always aware. I always have my guard up. I am not quick to trust. Yes, I may be a little paranoid but I feel like that keeps me safe. Also, when you have an experience like that, it changes you forever. It’s hard NOT to be paranoid.
Anyway …
I decided to go a little off track of my typical “leadership” post to share a message that is equally important in my book, YOUR safety!
My guess is that most of you travel. That most of you are women. And that some of you are men who love someone who is a women that travels.
I spend a TON of time traveling and staying in hotels. Generally, if you are staying in a nice and reputable hotel … you will be ok. But don’t assume. Sometimes the most awful things happen in the nicest places because people have their guard down. Remember, Ted Bundy was a well-dressed good looking man. That’s how he did it.
I am shocked at some of the things I see women do and DON’T do when traveling on business.
So I’ve put together some of my personal “Holla Safety Tips” for you!! PLEASE share these with your friends, your family, your work colleagues, your wives, your sisters. It’s an important message and we have to look out for one another!
What are some things you do to travel safe?
Be well. Be inspired! JudiFollow the conversation on Twitter at #tribeholla
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