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No One Is You
- and -
That Is Your Power

Work With Me
Want FREE access to the Friday FAB Five?  Enter your email below and get insider access to my weekly personal branding newsletter!
Plus, you’ll get a copy of my Personal Branding Guide just for signing up.
(don’t worry … I hate spam!)

Work With Me

All the work I do is inspired by Improv theatre! My keynotes are inspirational and action packed.
My Emcee work will bring energy and entertainment to your event. Let's work together!

Keynote Speaker

I work with hospitality professionals, especially (but not only) women and emerging leaders, who want to build confidence, expand their network and get a competitive edge.

Event Emcee

I am an event emcee for general sessions, awards presentations, panel discussions and corporate events.

Live Marketing

I am a live marketing expert and on camera host who uses LIVE streaming platforms to help trade show organizers spice up their show floor so they can increase exhibitor satisfaction, grow revenues and positively impact registration efforts.

I'm Judi

I believe in standing out in a sit down world.

I imagine a world where you believe that what you have is good enough and where you have the guts to pick yourself.

Your personal brand is the most powerful tool you own and it can allow you to open incredible doors.

I can show you how.

Find out more
"No One Can Compete With A True Original!"

What Others Are Saying

David Peckinpaugh, CMP
President, Maritz Travel Company
Dru Kosik, Cleveland Indians

"Judi was one of the most relevant and powerful speakers we have had. She was well prepared in asking about our group and she tailored her presentation to us, and our role in our association, in our jobs, and in our life. The hour slipped by in what seemed like minutes, and the room was on fire."

Andy Smith, Senior Vice President, ESN Network – Experient, A Martiz Global Events Company

"A true sign of an impactful speaker is measured by the resonance of their message weeks after the delivery. In the weeks following Judi’s keynote speech at our event, I have heard messages each day from many of our account managers as to how they are implementing her actionable recommendations. Simply stated, Judi delivered results."

Jomy Tan, Delta Dental Plans Association

"Judi is an unstoppable force. Her talent lights up the room and her ability to connect with an audience is a remarkable gift."

Taiya Thompson, MGM Hotels and Resorts Women's Leadership Conference

"Judi’s talk was entertaining, informative, relevant, authentic and above all it was actionable. What I took away from her talk was worth the price of admission!"

The Personal Branding Blog

5 Ways to Detox from Digital
September 11, 2017
  Are you using your technology or is it using you?   The other day I got into bed around 11pm. Instead of grabbing a book to wind down, I grabbed my iPhone and starting scrolling through social media. Next thing I knew … it was 3am ... I was still awake and going down a virtual rabbit hole. I started...
3 Words That Will Change Your World
August 28, 2017
  Have you ever noticed that it’s so easy to slip into Debbie downer mode? I have to do this. I have to do that. OR …  Ugh, do I haaaave to? Any of these ring a bell? I have...
5 Life Etiquette Lessons I Learned On A Bike
August 7, 2017
  I’m a huge fan of Soul Cycle.  And since I no longer live near a studio … the first thing I do when traveling is check to see if there is a studio in the hood where I’m staying....
5 Productivity Tools To Help You Stay Sane
July 24, 2017
If there is ONE super power to have ... it's productivity. Real productivity. Which I define as being "busy by design". I’ve become kind of obsessed with productivity hacks. I love hearing how people maximize their efforts. I love reading...
"Let your Hustle Be Louder Than Your Fears!"

HOLLA! Book Club

Keeping yourself in permanent beta is huge component of keeping your personal brand relevant and fresh. I am a bona fide bookworm and books are a huge part of my life, my brand, and my business. Here are some of the books that I consider the absolute bees knees. This list is updated regularly!

Let's Work Together

If you are interested in one of my personal branding keynotes, would like to hire me as an event emcee, OR have a big idea that you'd like to collaborate on ... send me a note and let's talk.
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Want FREE access to the Friday FAB Five?  Enter your email below and get insider access to my weekly personal branding newsletter!
Plus, you’ll get a copy of my Personal Branding Guide just for signing up.
(don’t worry … I hate spam!)